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Ariana Duran

You’ll Never Know It All

But you should try to. An exceptional quality to have as a person and a worker is the curiosity and eagerness to learn. I’ve never heard the term “know it all” reference something in a positive manner. No matter the stage in your career, especially in the ever-changing advertising world, it’s important to be open minded and question everything. There’s always room to improve.

Ask to Answer

As an expert, you should be able to provide the explanation of why. Following with the how, stating we know it works with proof to back up your case. If your why is because that’s what you were taught and you don’t have a how, you need to ask questions to find the answer. Sometimes finding your how is simply just research, which in today’s world is always at our fingertips. Technology gets a bad rep sometimes, but it’s amazing how much we can learn from YouTube videos and online resources. If you can’t answer why or how, odds are you’re not really an expert.

Process vs. Routine

As creatures of habit, we enjoy being comfortable. Process and routine contribute to that comfort level. According to Google’s dictionary, process is defined as ‘a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.‘ Processes help us keep on task and stay on schedule, proving to be efficient and factor into the how. Routine is defined as ‘a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.‘ A fixed program leaves no room for creativity or mental stimulation. You don’t think, you just do.

As stated in a Time article, “The way most of us spend our mornings is exactly counter to the conditions that neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists tell us promote flexible, open-minded thinking.” So, why should we care and how do we fix it? The idea of being stagnant should repulse you – strive to learn something new each day. Change up that routine.

Be Bold

Well behaved women seldom make history. -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

I realize it says women, but I believe this applies to everyone. Think about those who inspire others and truly make an impact in the world. Do you think they did so by coloring in the lines and doing the same thing everyday? Find like minded people interested in what you do. Take it a step further and don’t just change up your routine, try something completely different. Immerse yourself in activities that require you to be creative. Don’t be afraid to fail. Do your research. Get inspired. Motivate yourself to form big ideas. You’ll never know if you don’t try and there’s no better time to start than right now. Learning what not to do is just as important as learning what to do.

Knowledge is power. Try to know it all.


About Me

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Hey there, thanks for dropping by! My name is Ariana and it’s ironic my initials are AD – as I quite literally put the “ad” in advertising. 


I started this blog to project what I have learned and what I’m continuing to learn through the eyes of a younger generation advertiser. 

Happy reading!​

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